A website about

the Vaandering Family

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Welcome on my website. Here you will find the results of my genealogical research on everyone with the family name Vaandering. Anywhere in the world. Nice that you are interested in one of the many Vaandering families. And especially your (in many cases) Dutch ancestors.
My name is Hans Vaandering and you will find me here on the website. For the time being there is only a Dutch version of the pedigrees. For yor convenience you will find here a translation of the most frequent used Dutch words. I hope that you will enjoy reading this website.

Family tree research

In 2004 I started researching into the family name Vaandering. Using (digital and physical) archives and interviewing namesakes. But also by using the internet and social media I was able to retrieve lots of data of relatives. The result of my search can be found on this website.
You will notice that everyone with the family name Vaandering descends from only two forebears in the Netherlands: Albert who lived in Grafhorst (pedigree Albert) and Jan Herms in Mastenbroek (pedigree Jan Herms).
In 2021 I also started researching into the family name Gelok (or Gelock). That is my mother's maiden name. You can find the first step under the button other families.

A work in progress

If you visit this website more often, then you will notice that it is still being developed.


I realize that, despite a careful approach, errors can occur. And perhaps therefore you have amendments and/or additions. I shall be happy to hear from you. Use the contact form.